There are a number of ways to volunteer at Ivanhoe.
If you are interested, you can contact the Friends of Ivanhoe (FOI) volunteer coordinator by filling out the google form listing our current volunteer needs here. Below are some additional ideas:
Come to an FOI meeting (check calendar)—maybe even become a board member. Find out what FOI is all about and share your thoughts, ideas, and comments directly with the board.
Become a room parent. Being a room parent is a great way to stay involved. You will have early access to important information and help get the news to your fellow parents. Contact Heather Jones if you are interested.
Volunteer in the classroom. With a unique view into the daily life of a classroom, this position could involve anything from tidying the room to preparing materials for an art project. Each classroom has its own needs and typically has a sheet posted outside with slots for signing up. Ask your room parent or teacher if you have trouble finding it or have any questions about what volunteering entails.
Attend School Site Council (SSC) Meetings (check calendar). The School Site Council is the body that actually helps determine how the money FOI raises gets spent. Among other things, it is a very important organization and needs active parent involvement.
Join an event committee. FOI plans numerous fundraising and community events during the year and each one is planned and executed by parent volunteers. These events only happen because parents like you volunteer to make them happen. It’s a great way to connect with other families, and it helps lighten the load for everyone.
Once you’ve decided on how you would like to volunteer, please review the volunteer application process. You can fill out our volunteer form and return it to the FOI mailbox in the main office.