In addition to Common Core state standards, Ivanhoe students are nourished with enriched mathematics and English language arts curricula. Students also take courses in arts and music, technology, and physical education. The school library plays an integral role in daily life at Ivanhoe as well.
Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) Math
Cognitively Guided Instruction is an important backdrop to our instruction.
Eureka Math is a mathematics program that emerged from the Engage NY workgroup. Teachers from around the country developed this program using concepts from Singapore Math. Math modeling is one of the major features of Eureka Math. Our youngest students use physical cubes and blocks as well as graphic modeling to learn basic concepts. As they move through the grades, the program encourages students to use their modeling skills to approach problems creatively. Students at Ivanhoe use the Eureka Math program in grades K-5. Families can review tip sheets for each grade level:
More information about Eureka Math can be found on
Reading & Writing
Ivanhoe students participate in Teachers College Readers and Writers Project programs developed by Lucy Culkins at Teachers College of Columbia University. These programs use workshop models that pair independent work with group work and conferencing to support students in their reading and writing processes. These nationally-recognized programs have been a longstanding part of the Ivanhoe curriculum. More information can be found at the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project (TCRWP) website.
Arts & Music
The Arts are an essential part of the Ivanhoe experience. Through a combination of district-sponsored and family-provided opportunities, Ivanhoe students are immersed in integrated curricula that include music, fine art, drama and movement.
Visual arts programs are provided by classroom teachers throughout the school year and in 10-week sessions with a visual arts instructor. Students learn about a variety of art mediums and techniques, art history, local artists, and artistic traditions from around the world.
A key goal of Ivanhoe’s Technology Program is to increase student achievement and engagement by incorporating technology in standards-based projects across the curriculum in grades 1-5. Mr. Aleman, our Technology Coordinator, provides students with the opportunity to share and work collaboratively on the creation of their projects using Apple applications such as iMovie, GarageBand, Pages, Keynote, PowerPoint, iBooks Author, Sketchup, and other production and web-based applications. In order to achieve this aim, third through fifth grade students are provided with their own laptops that they use to complete projects in school. First and second grade students have access to a shared mobile lab. The instruction for primary grades will prepare students for work they will complete in their fourth and fifth grade classrooms. In addition, a professional development plan has been developed and implemented to train teachers in the technological applications available to them and in how to utilize these tools to maximize instruction and learning.
Physical Education
With a weekly class for each grade as well as the annual Fitness Fest that involves faculty, staff, parents and caregivers, Ivanhoe students can benefit from a robust P.E. program that forms an important piece in their physical, emotional, and intellectual growth.
Ivanhoe students are fortunate to have a terrific library on our campus. Under the guidance of our school librarian, Ms. Pati Nava, every student has the opportunity to visit the library with their class. The library is open to students during lunch and after school, for research, to do homework, or to relax and enjoy quiet reading time.