School Site Council (SSC)
We have one decision-making council at Ivanhoe Elementary: the School Site Council (SSC).
The SSC is responsible for developing, approving, and annually revising the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). The Council oversees the site-based budgeting of categorical funds from the state and federal governments.
The Council is comprised of five school employees and five parents that are elected to the council. Specific tasks of the SSC are: to review and analyze student data, to approve the annual school site budget, and to monitor the implementation and effectiveness of the academic plan on an ongoing basis. The SSC is also responsible for allocating the funds that Friends of Ivanhoe (FOI) raise throughout the year.
The Council terms last two years and they are staggered. Last year, the terms were split between one and two years so that there would be continuity on the Council.
Meetings are open to the public and listed in the school calendar.