After School Programs
Ivanhoe offers two wonderful afterschool programs: Prime Time and Beyond the Bell.
All Ivanhoe students, grades K-5, are eligible for the Prime Time Afterschool Program, which is a fee-based program that is located on the Ivanhoe campus. Space is limited in each of the grades to maintain a safe ratio of adults to students. In order to stay after school, Kinder and 1st grade students must be enrolled in Prime Time. Students in grades 2-5 can enroll in Prime Time or Beyond the Bell. Prime Time students are picked up from their classroom by Prime Time staff each day. Tuition fees apply and scholarships may be available. This program includes:
Daily Academic Support
Sports and Recreation
Arts and Enrichment
Your favorite Ivanhoe staff
Monday to Friday until 6pm
For more information, call Prime Time at (310) 838-7872 or visit their web site.
Beyond the Bell is the LAUSD afterschool program that is provided free-of-charge to Ivanhoe students in 2nd through 5th grade. Once students are dismissed from their classes, Beyond the Bell staff provide yard supervision, organize activities, distribute snacks, and supervise homework. Below is the information provided by the school district:
The State-funded After School Education and Safety (ASES) Program encourages collaboration between the school district, school site, and community-based organizations. The Beyond the Bell Branch (BTB) of the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) collaborates with large and national organizations, local grass-roots and community-based organizations (CBO), universities and foundations. These city-wide collaboratives operate afterschool programs offering academic assistance, enrichment activities and recreational activities in a safe, supervised environment from the release of the school day until 6:00pm each school day.